Sunday, November 27, 2011

Where have I been?

We first should celebrate soccer season is over. Marysa and Joey added their fourth trophy and Sonny his first  to our crowded fire place mantel. This usually means more time for family and the family blog.

After a series of falls and a year of numbness I blew up at my doctor. I told them I'd take my chances with the pain. I needed to have a reason and not be treated for the symptoms any longer. Off the meds I'm a little emotional. I can feel the right side of my body again. Surprised my issue is with my bladder. Close to complete paralysis cause by my nerves not communicating out of the injured area of my back. Good news is I don't have to jump in to more meds. My body can take up to six months to self rehab and there is a remote control device they can add to my bladder to improve my quality of life if we need to go down that road.

My little on-line shop is fun. Not an over night success and I'm patient. I'd rather see the cloth diaper service side take off. Me trying to help instead of taking. Warren of coarse reminds me no one goes in to business not to make money. I hear my sisters voice saying to him before we got married. Because of her's so big and she's a giver. Don't hurt her. So who knows I may make it or not in business. I can tell you I feel successful I have made some great friends.

Now all the blah, blah blah is over.............

Cool blogs I want to write.

  • Mountain View Sanitation District is super cool.
  • There are vegetable gardens popping up EVERYWHERE!
  • Meet Turtle 10
  • For a change I like what Contra Costa County has been using my tax dollars for.
  • Are  the birthday parties ever going to stop?!