Today I brought my family to met Joey's biological sister Ashley. This was huge for me since I have been so protective of Joey for the last four years. Joey is my nephew that my husband Warren and I adopted shortly after we were married. Ashley is his sister from his mother Darlene.
Joey has had so many questions about his brother and sisters and I had no answers for him. I got in contact with his mothers ex-husband who has always been a good guy to my brother before Joey was born, and Joey's hero since Joey was taken from his mother.
A month or so ago after talking to Joey's therapist I decided to contact Skip to see if Joey's siblings were safe and could be in contact with him. Skip put me in contact with Ashley. She and Joey talked to each other fairly regularly so we decided to get together for Joey's birthday at a park.
When we arrived at the park Joey seemed nervous then he quickly warmed up to Ashley. I had to really hold my tears back. They were so happy to see each other. Ashley looks just like Joey. She was there with her dad Skip, fiance' Arther, their two children Matt and Malea. They had birthday gifts for Joey that were an awesome ice breaker. We spent about two hours with their family. Playing football with the kids. Talking about Joey and some of his hobbies and academic achievements. I told them a little history I knew about Joey and they filled in the blanks of some information I didn't know about Joey as a baby.
Over all I thought it was a good day. We may get together again after she gets back from Disneyland.