Sunday, February 5, 2012

Diaper Donation

Diaper Donation

Since the cloth diapering community is full of generous people, we thought we should send this message out to ask as many persons as possible to join this cause with us.

Our friend Jenn, the owner of The Big Blue Frog in Penticton BC has been approached by a local mom who is going to Haiti in June to do volunteer work in an orphanage for children with AIDS. They are in desperate needs of...well... everything so we thought we could help with the diapering part.

We've been able to find about a dozen of gently used diapers so far but we all know that it is far from enough, especially when you have 7 or 8 kids in diapers!

If you are able to participate, PLEASE send your diapers (pocket with insert, AIO, AI2, hybrid, fitted-cover) to

2339 Ogilvie Rd
PO Box 46004
Gloucester ON K1J 7M9

or to

Lovely Eco Chic

3649 Hillsborough Dr

Concord, CA 94520 ( I will send them for you. As international mail can cost slightly more. ~Mary)
MiniMaestro gift certificate for each diaper you send us. And if you do not need or want the gift certificate, MiniMaestro will donate a new diaper for each couple of diapers you send us. Please make sure you indicate your choice when sending the diaper(s), along with an e-mail address to contact you.

You can read more about the orphanage here.

So? Who's in with us to help those kids in Haiti wear descent diapers? Does not have to be cute or fancy, only do adequately what a diaper is supposed to do...

Thank you from the bottom of our heart!