Tuesday, March 1, 2011

bumGenius3.0 Pocket Diaper

The bumGenius3.0 pocket diaper was my very favorite diaper for my middle son, Sonny. He has a long, thin build, and these diapers are perfect for a thin baby. They have many cool features. They are a pocket diaper that comes with an insert made of a microfiber that pulls the moisture away from your baby's skin and also
has snaps to adjust to the desired length. (The latest product line even has a newborn insert.)

The fabric that touches the baby's skin is soft and smooth. Waste washes off with ease. The diaper cover has both snaps and velcro. The snaps adjust the height of the diaper and the velcro adjusts to your baby's waist. They can be used on a very small newborn up to a toddler.

I have had very few wicking (leaking) issues or leaks at nighttime or during a nap. I would normally machine wash and line dry the covers. I always put the inserts in the washer and dryer. Once in a while, when I noticed leaking during play, I put the covers in the dryer. This seems to fix the leak.

My only real complaint was my youngest baby, Declan, was not thin. They don't seem to accommodate thicker legs, creating gaps and disappointment when my newborn pooped everywhere. Declan is two years old now, and thinner, so we are good once again with bumGenius.

These are some of my more expensive diapers, running me around $20 a diaper. I have nine in my stash -- but they are totally worth it. They are the easiest and most effective diaper I've used.

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